Sky High Retro Gaming
April 8 @ 6:00 pm - 11:30 pm

REZtron invites you to a night of ‘Retrotainment’, a Sky High Retro Gaming social.
Get ready to be transported into the golden era of SEGA, with legendary titles on all four generations…Master System! Mega Drive! Saturn! Dreamcast! mixed with drinks, 90s tunes,competitions, prizes, networking, city skylines, and good times! all on top of a hidden gem Sky Bar at the Hyatt Place London City East Hotel, with a stunning panoramic city view around you that will sure to keep your phone busy…
Classics such as OutRun, Space Harrier, Wonder Boy, Golden Axe, Shinobi, Alex Kidd, Double Dragon, Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter II, Ms. Pac-Man, R-Type, Streets of Rage, Alien Storm, Sonic 2, Road Rash II, Super Monaco GP, Daytona USA, Italia ’90, Micro Machines, Fighters Megamix,SEGA Rally, Virtua Tennis ,Crazy Taxi, House of the Dead 2, Virtua Cop, Power Stones, Soul Calibur, Marvel Vs Capcom and many more will be there to keep you retrotained…
Games displayed on original consoles and CRT TVs, plus wall projections
Experience 3-D gaming (80s style!) on the Master System
Sonic speedrun + SEGA Rally best lap time competitions, with Prizes Giveaways!