The main protagonist, Rei, is a human spirit bound with the challenging duty of defeating mystical entities of nature, the Kami, to obtain their power. The game won’t hold the player’s hand, leaving it up to them to discover and conquer this fantastic hand-drawn world that is gray, both metaphorically and literally.
The player is thrown into a mysterious setting based on Japanese culture. The antagonists are ready to be challenged from the start, so the player must choose their path to defeat all of them consecutively and with limited retries. Easier said than done, each victory increases the difficulty of the next fight, creating a dynamic challenge that puts anyone on the edge of their seat. Luckily, all the hardships are accompanied by hand-drawn animations and scenery, peculiar dialogue from the world’s inhabitants, and the satisfaction that comes from learning precise 2D combat mechanics and succeeding on your own terms.
Player decision is the strongest power. Taking into account the vastly different enemies’ patterns and unique skills granted upon defeat, the player will be able to decide how to approach the challenges. It won’t be easy either way, but you can always go back and try something different.
Platforms: PC